Right Here Right Now

Right Here Right Now is a Realtime - Hyperlocal social media app on the Android Platform. Users can view other User's social profile, nearby events and posts, and can message each other.

This app was designed in a group of four, for a client's request.

Uses: Android Studio, Google Maps API, Places API, Geocoding API, Firebase Database

Concepts: Firebase Management (Authentication, Database, Storage), Push Notifications and SMS texting, JSON Parsing, API Usage, Threads, UI/UX, Custom Lists and Adapters, Scrolls (Infinite Scrolling), Firebase Queries

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Message other users - create new message and chat away with our messaging system. You can also search and filter users who you have messaged.

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Profile Page

View your profile page, check out the number of followers and who you've been following! Edit your about me, and check out posts and events you've created, as well as shared!

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Login Verification

Sign up for RHRN, and then verify your email! Afterwards, login from the login page. You can also login via facebook, google, or twitter.

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User's Events and Posts

View your posted Events and Posts and also check out other user's events and posts on their profile page.

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Create Event

Create Events set to your current location, set a start date and end date, and if it's private or not.